1. From https://andatech.caltrace.com kindly register using the “Create a new account” tab
2. Fill in the form and click "register". Fields mark with * are required.
*If you get an error message e.g. "The user with the given email is not allowed to register.", you may already have an existing account in CalTrace. Try logging in with your email address and a password, or reset your password.
3. If your form submission is successful, CalTrace will send you an email to activate your account.
Log in to your email account and check your inbox.
Click on the "Confirm Your Email" button to confirm your email address and activate your CalTrace account
*Kindly check your spam/junk folder if you have not received the confirmation e-mail after 10 minutes

4. You'll be redirected to the login page with the message "successfully verified". Login to your account to register your product.